Can You Say Clutz????
I am the queen of Clutz Land! I managed on Monday morning, while drying my hair, to bonk myself in the eye with of all things, my hairbrush. To reward myself for this graceful action, I came away with an all expense paid trip to the eye doctor, a swollen eyelid, and an abrasion on my cornea. He examined my eye and dilated my pupil. Gave me some antibiotic drops and sent me on my way to return the next day for a re-check. Well, well, imagine my shock when I got out of bed on Tuesday, alas, my eye did feel better, only to look in the mirror to find my pupil fully dilated STILL! I am some freak of nature that two full days after my pupil was dilated, it is still huge! It is beginning to come down, thank heavens! that is off my chest.
Prior to my poetry in motion incident drying my hair, I did manage to start a project the end of last week. SHHHHHH! I can't say what it is............she might be reading. I can't wait till I can see clearly enough to pick it back up again.
Mother's Day was rather quiet in my house. I got what I wanted MP3 player, now I don't have to swipe my kids when I go for a walk! Played with it on Mother's day and did manage to load about 400 songs on it. That should keep me busy for a while!
This past weekend was the Relay for Life, which is an American Cancer Society all night walk-a-thon at the local high school's track. This was the second year I participated in it. It is a great time for an equally great cause! Our team raised almost $5,000 YEA!
That is about it, didn't want you to think I fell off the BLOG planet. Can't wait to be able to see well enough to start stitching, hopefully by the end of the week! YIPPIE!!!!
Prior to my poetry in motion incident drying my hair, I did manage to start a project the end of last week. SHHHHHH! I can't say what it is............she might be reading. I can't wait till I can see clearly enough to pick it back up again.
Mother's Day was rather quiet in my house. I got what I wanted MP3 player, now I don't have to swipe my kids when I go for a walk! Played with it on Mother's day and did manage to load about 400 songs on it. That should keep me busy for a while!
This past weekend was the Relay for Life, which is an American Cancer Society all night walk-a-thon at the local high school's track. This was the second year I participated in it. It is a great time for an equally great cause! Our team raised almost $5,000 YEA!
That is about it, didn't want you to think I fell off the BLOG planet. Can't wait to be able to see well enough to start stitching, hopefully by the end of the week! YIPPIE!!!!
At Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:26:00 PM,
Cathy said…
Could the "she" that "might be reading" be me??????? I LOOOOOOOOOVE presents and surprises! You may pick the fob of your choice sister dearest, you KNOW that I wouldn't NOT make one for you! I do hope your eye is improving and you are feeling better soon. I think it is getting to be time for a day trip for us don't you think?
At Thursday, May 25, 2006 8:28:00 AM,
Karen said…
Oh no, your poor little eye. I hope it is feeling all better soon. It had better be, I'm sure not being able to craft is torture. I really sympathize, because it so sounds like something I would do while drying my hair. Do you accidentally spray the hairspray into your eye instead of on your hair too? It's a wonder I can still see!!
At Saturday, July 01, 2006 1:39:00 PM,
Cathy said…
Hellooooooooooo Sister dearest have you fallen off the blogworld?
I miss your posts :) See you Tuesday :)
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